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Dowry system essay

Dowry system essay

Dowry System Essay for Students in English,Why Must the Dowry System Be Eradicated?

WebDec 13,  · Essay on Dowry System in + Words Dowry is a practice of demanding wealth in the form of money and gold to the bride's family by the groom's. It is an age-old WebDowry System Essay By Archana Dowry is basically the cash, jewellery, furniture, property and other tangible items given by the bride’s family to the bridegroom and his parents WebDec 6,  · Causes of Dowry System 1. Greed Factor – dowry demands often is exemplary of the collective greed of the society. Extortion in the name of social standing, WebEssay On Dowry System In English • English Summary Essay on Dowry System Dowry means those gifts and presents which are given by a father or a guardian to his daughter ... read more

However, the application remains to be prevalent in most components of the nation that struggling the growth for women and their households. Dowry has been a significant part of Indian society. However, the sole function of the system deviated over a time frame, and the details at the moment are given to the groom, his dad, mom, relatives. The jewellery, money and different gadgets are given to the bride have additionally been saved securely by her in-laws. Many elements like illiteracy, gender inequality, and lack of strict legal guidelines have given rise to this system. To curb this problem, the federal government has enacted legal guidelines making dowry a punishable act.

The punishment features a minimum of 5 years imprisonment and a dowry quantity based mostly on a minimal superb of Rs 15, or whichever is greater. Any direct or oblique demand for dowry can result in 6 months imprisonment and a superb of INR 10, Also, read th e dowry system essay faq. This legislation has been endorsed to empower girls in opposition to such abuse; it protects girls from home violence. All types of abuse, together with bodily, emotional, verbal, financial, and sexual, are punishable underneath this law. Despite the legislation being applied by the federal government, the dowry system, however, has a robust maintain in society. Lack of schooling is likely one of the predominant contributors to social practices like dowry, caste system, and labor.

People ought to be educated to advertise logical and correct considering in order that such evil practices could be instilled. Instead of looking for a well-settled groom for his or her daughters and investing all their financial savings in marriage, people ought to spend on later schooling and make them self-reliant. Women ought to proceed to work even after their marriage and focus their energies on productive issues reasonably than yielding to the sarcastic remarks of the in-laws. Women also need to be made conscious of their rights and the way they can be utilized to guard themselves against any type of abuse.

In addition, campaigns ought to be made to sensitize the difficulty, and the legal guidelines laid down by the federal government ought to be made extra stringent. Also, read 1. Triple Talaq Essay 2. Indian Education System Essay 3. They need to accumulate money for the same no matter what and in the event many give in to corrupt means such as taking bribes, forging tax or conducting certain business activities using unfair means. The in-laws often compare the gifts brought by their daughter-in-law by those brought by other girls in their vicinity and pass sarcastic remarks making her feel tormented. Girls often feel emotionally stress due to this and some even undergo depression.

While some in-laws make it a habit to be sarcastic with their daughter-in law and leave no occasion to humiliate and bad mouth her others take to physical abuse. Several cases of women being hit and burned because of their inability of fulfilling the huge dowry demands keep surfacing every now and then. A girl child is seen as a burden for the family. It is the dowry system that has given rise to female foeticides. Female foetus is aborted by several couples. The cases of girl child being abandoned are also common in India.

The practice of dowry is strongly condemned. The government has also passed law making dowry a punishable offence however it is still being practiced in most parts of the country causing agony for the girls and their families. Dowry System has been a dominant part of the Indian society. In many parts it is known to be embedded in the culture and has become more of a ritual. Initially, cash, jewellery and other such gifts were given to the bride however the sole purpose of the system has deviated over the period of time and the gifts are now given to groom, his parents and relatives. The jewellery, cash and other stuff given to the bride are also kept in safe by her in-laws. A number of factors such as illiteracy, gender inequality and lack of strict laws against this system have given rise to this evil practice.

Dowry system is one of the most heinous social systems in the Indian society. In order to curb this problem, the government has come up with laws making dowry a punishable act. Here is a detailed look at these laws:. By way of this act a legal system to monitor the give and take of dowry was put in place. As per this act, a penalty is imposed in the event of dowry exchange. The punishment involves a minimum of 5 years of imprisonment and a minimum fine of INR 15, or the dowry amount based on whichever is greater. A demand for dowry is equally punishable.

Any direct or indirect demand for dowry could lead to 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of INR 10, Many women are abused emotionally and physically for not meeting the dowry demands of their in laws. This law has been put in place in order to empower women against such abuse. It protects women from domestic violence. All forms of abuse including physical, emotional, verbal, economic and sexual are punishable under this law. The punishment for different types and severity of abuse vary. Despite the laws inflicted by the government, the dowry system still has a strong hold in the society. Those gifts were given voluntarily and without any demands made under pressure.

But this custom proved a major handicap for many persons who could not marry early in life for want of funds to buy such gifts. There were many unfortunates who could not marry at all for this reason, But customs are never stationary. They undergo changes. Now, at present, this custom has been reversed. As such, without a dowry.

Dowry is a practice of demanding wealth in the form of money and gold to the bride's family by the groom's. It is an age-old practice followed in India by our ancestors. The origin of dowry might be a reason to consider it as valid. However, this practice has taken a demonic phase from the last few centuries. Women and their families suffer due to this unhealthy practice which also promotes gender inequality. There are numerous crimes recorded in the past several years due to conflicts that the dowry system causes. This is prevalent in all parts of India, and is a common practice in certain communities for the commercial and economic benefits of the groom. This short essay on dowry system will describe the history of the dowry system and illustrate how and why to vanish the practice of dowry.

People argue that it is a direct reference to male domination. This practice converts the divine practice of marriage into a business deal. Dowry system is a renowned reason why Indian parents are against marriages to be decided by the bride and groom themselves. The drastic disadvantages of the dowry system, completely subsides the little supporting advantage it has for the well-being of the groom and the bride. Certain practices of the past in our country continue to bring us overwhelming shame and guilt. According to experts, the dowry system is one such. The idea of dowry in the start was clear and to a certain extent, legit. Those days girls were not allowed to study and apparently they were not allowed to work and earn as well.

Moreover, there was yet another cruel practice of child marriage through which girls are manually made to be dependent on someone all their life. For this reason, parents of the bride gifted assets to their daughter when she got married. The purpose was to make her financially stable even after marriage as she would have no other source other than being dependent on her newly-wed husband. This culture later turned into a societal norm, by which marriages began to happen considering the dowry given to the groom by the bride. This evoked a toxic social stereotype that developed in the name of the dowry system. Later when the Britishers arrived, women were married at a younger age than before, concerning their safety. The amount of dowry thus, began to decide marriage alliances along with caste and religion.

Without further arguments, the 'why' must be removed and the dowry system must be eradicated! This practice inflicts cruelty to women by the groom and groom's family as well. Men are groomed with the idea of acquiring wealth through their partner by their parents. In modern society, the purpose and necessity of dowry is useless. Women are educated and are allowed to work and earn. They have all the liberty and financial independence equally like men. Parents can always give their daughter whatever they want when she is getting married.

But this must not be decided or influenced by the groom's will to acquire wealth through marriage, to even the slightest extent. No bride demands gifts from her in-laws for marrying their son. If the dowry system is legitimate, it must be between both genders. This practice has led to crimes such as tormenting the bride to bring more assets from her parents, after imprisoning her in the institution of marriage. In worst cases, brides are even killed because they refused to give more dowry. They are treated with no respect by her in-laws and husband, if they do not bring valuable assets as dowry. This leads to women even committing suicides because they are incapable of bringing more wealth. If a practice promotes intolerable violence in society, then it must be burnt to ash right away.

Dowry is a social evil and a heinous crime against women. Demanding or even receiving any wealth in the name of dowry must be considered shameful by all men. Demanding dowry is now an official crime and has strict punishments by law. Reasons such as financial independence or securing the bride's future should not be considered anymore to receive dowry, and must be buried. With equal opportunities for men and women in our country, the practice of dowry is certainly not necessary. The bride and groom should share financial transparency before their marriage in order to avoid conflicts later. Men must take an oath to never demand any form of wealth from their partner.

Sharing is always a better option than demanding. The children must be inculcated in all men from a young age, to eradicate such cruel practices in society. Let us say no for dowry to a peaceful and healthy society. The dowry system is one of the most pervasive and evil systems in society. It is common in many societies worldwide and is thought to be as old as human civilization. We have included an essay on the dowry system in English below for your convenience. The essays have been written in clear, concise English that is easy to remember and present when necessary for your benefit.

With this English essay on dowry system, you will surely ace your exam essay. For more such essays and quality content download the Testbook App now! Importance of Cleanliness Essay. Social Networking Sites Essay. My First Day At School Essay. Home Essay Essay on Dowry System. Last updated on Dec 13, Download as PDF. Download this Essay on Dowry System in PDF. History of Dowry System Certain practices of the past in our country continue to bring us overwhelming shame and guilt. Continue reading Essay on Dowry System further. Essay Latest Quizzes Confident about all the subjects and topics for Essay?

Take a short quiz and quickly get an idea about where you stand with your preparations for Essay. All of it for absolutely free. Attempt now! NRA CET 10th Level - Deciding Quiz. NRA CET - 10th. Expires in: days. Start Quiz. NRA CET 10th Level - Target Quiz. NRA CET 10th Level - Confidence Quiz. View More View Less. Why Must the Dowry System Be Eradicated? Keep reading Essay on Dowry System below. Conclusion Dowry is a social evil and a heinous crime against women. Dowry is a practice of demanding wealth in the form of money, gold or other assets from the bride's family by the groom's.

The purpose of dowry is to make the bride financially stable even after marriage, as she had no other source of income earlier in the days when girls were given no education and work. Parents can always give their daughter whatever they want when she's getting married. But this must not be decided or influenced by the groom's side. This practice has led to crimes such as tormenting the bride to bring more assets from her parents. This leads to women even committing suicides because they are incapable of bringing more wealth If a practice promotes intolerable violence in society, then it must be burnt to ash right away.

Let us say no for dowry to a peaceful and healthy society! Did the Essay on Dowry System enlighten you? Read more essays in the table below. Check out the more Essays here Importance of Cleanliness Essay Essay On Indian Heritage Social Networking Sites Essay Forest Essay Sports and Games Essay My First Day At School Essay Farmer Essay Freedom Essay Birthday Essay Flood Essay. Essay on Dowry System in Words FAQs What is the dowry system in an essay? The dowry system was designed to ensure the bride's financial security after the marriage. The objectives were clear.

Brides' parents used to give the bride money, land, and other assets as a "Gift" to ensure that their daughter would be happy and independent after marriage. Explain the dowry system. Quick response? The "dowry system" is a practice in which the father of the bridegroom or the bridegroom's family receives gifts such as cash, real estate, or other special items at a daughter's wedding. Dowries are typically made up of money, jewellery, and other items. What are the primary causes of the dowry system? Typically, a dowry is given to compensate for the groom's wealth, career, and education at the time of the bride and groom's engagement. Because she does not have the same social standing as a man, the bride's wealth, career, and education are completely ignored.

What are the ramifications of dowry?

Dowry System Essay,Download Important Essay on Dowry System for Students in English Free PDF from Vedantu

WebEssay On Dowry System In English • English Summary Essay on Dowry System Dowry means those gifts and presents which are given by a father or a guardian to his daughter WebDec 13,  · Essay on Dowry System in + Words Dowry is a practice of demanding wealth in the form of money and gold to the bride's family by the groom's. It is an age-old WebDowry System Essay By Archana Dowry is basically the cash, jewellery, furniture, property and other tangible items given by the bride’s family to the bridegroom and his parents WebDec 6,  · Causes of Dowry System 1. Greed Factor – dowry demands often is exemplary of the collective greed of the society. Extortion in the name of social standing, ... read more

Women ought to proceed to work even after their marriage and focus their energies on productive issues reasonably than yielding to the sarcastic remarks of the in-laws. Widening childcare and ensuring safe public transit is vital in decreasing workplace bias and establishing supportive work cultures. The women had no rights over family property and different fixed features and got liquid assets like money, jewelry, and various items to present them a fair proportion. As such, without a dowry. src}function i {c. Dowry is a practice of demanding wealth in the form of money and gold to the bride's family by the groom's. Dowry system is a renowned reason why Indian parents are against marriages to be decided by the bride and groom themselves.

These Dowry system essays can be helpful in school or college essay writing, speech giving or debate competitions. The punishment features a minimum of 5 years imprisonment and a dowry quantity based mostly on a dowry system essay superb of Rs 15, or whichever is greater. abs I[0]. Related Posts. abs c[0].

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